Net Corner
Choose, participate, reduce
Firenze 2024
What it is
Net Corner
The project expands on the work of the Map for Sustainable Choice of the Florence and environs area published at this link, involving for the first time the economic and associative realities of the mapped agrifood chain and creating a space dedicated to them to foster networking, collaboration, and good practices in a circular economy perspective. The first event with this aim, the Net Corner Brunch!, was held in the Sala Margherita Hack at the Murate (Florence) on 23 November 2024. The aim of this project is to promote local change that can be replicated on a larger scale. If mapping helps citizens orientate their consumption choices, meetings such as Net Corner the Net Corner encourage exchanges and cooperation, strengthening the map tool and the network between sustainable realities.
the call
In Cibo Civitas
The project
Net Corner
Net Corner. Choose, participate, reduce was divided into three phases/objectives:
- In-depth desk research of the realities mapped in the Agri-food and Catering and Hospitality categories, contact via e-mail and social channels to disseminate the mapping and engage them by responding to a structured interview on the key words that describe them and their needs;
- Updating and implementing the information contained in the mapping through the inclusion of new realities indicated by the active networks (Civil Economy District, realities already mapped), updating the data of those present and promoting the project on social channels and on the association’s website;
- Organisation of the first Net Corner event Net Corner, attended by 14 people, to foster interaction between the realities engaged, collect feedback on the mapping and suggestions for new networking meetings. Through the World Cafè facilitated activity, the participants were divided into three discussion tables following the following themes: 1) WE SPEAK DIFFERENT LANGUAGES – what is the barrier you think the users/consumers have? what are the difficulties of the reality/producer in reaching the users/consumers? 2) TOGETHER WE GO FARER – what makes possible exchanges of resources and knowledge between realities difficult? if you already have active virtuous exchanges, how do they work? 3) WHO HAS THE MAP, FINDS THE WAY – how could such a mapping facilitate? what functions should it integrate?
next steps
Results and future plan
What has been gathered from the project and especially from the Net Corner event has provided valuable insights for Shifting Lab to continue improving and supplementing the interactive digital mapping with new information and functions. . The realities that actively participated in the first meeting or in the interview phase were shared a report of the results. An attempt will be made to keep a direct channel open with them for future initiatives and also to remain constantly updated on developments. The intention is to find new funding to support a significant implementation of the mapping and increase its visibility, through media that can be both digital and paper-based.
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