Innovation. Sustainability. Networking

our mission

This is our goal, our mantra!

Shifting Lab applies the systemic approach to develop and support inclusive and sustainable cultural and socio-economic models, creating virtuous interactions and networks able to steer towards change.

Shifting Lab aims at spreading a new way of conceiving events, perceived as complex systems made of resources, waste and actors in relation to each other, reactivating spaces and enhancing the territories they are set in.

Shifting Lab wants, on one side, to generate replicable and resilient models from an environmental, economic and social point of view; on the other side to raise people’s awareness around the themes of circular economy, responsible consumption, social inclusion and green innovation, through immersive and participatory experiences.

Shifting Lab aims to lead all the actors involved in the events’ sector, through analysis, consulting and site-specific design, providing its expertise to accelerate the ecological transition.

What event means for us

An event is a small world that comes to life...

…in which resources and products are consumed, sometimes leaving a negative footprint on the hosting territory. It is therefore necessary to rethink the way we do events in order to transform them into a small system of symbiotic elements.
The application of this approach allows to use resources in a more sustainable way and contributes to the creation of a circular economy.

A system that tends to autopoiesis, continuously redefining itself and that sustains and reproduces itself from within, avoiding waste of energy and resources.


Shifting Lab and the design for systems

The Shifting Lab mission is to place at the center of its research the community and the territories that host events in which to trigger processes capable of involving, raising awareness and spreading new ideas.

The systemic approach applied to the project creates interactions and virtuous networks capable of directing change, promoting and developing positive and sustainable cultural and socio-economic models.

Our mission is to create a system of doing events and promoting culture that, in addition to being a moment to promote critical thinking and more sustainable practices and a culture of responsible consumption, is itself a model of sustainability.


Please feel free to reach us for any question. We’ll be happy to get in touch with you.


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